Don't Drown in VUCA
By Dr. Sunitha Chandy PsyD

When I first heard the term VUCA it sounded like a medical term for indigestion! Turns out, I was pretty close. VUCA, or volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, isn’t a new term but one that clearly expresses what many of us are experiencing. At the start of 2023 we're still guiding our teams through an ocean of change and chaos.
We might say “Isn’t that just life?” We’ve been out there on the waves for so long that we’ve forgotten what it's like to get to shore. Yet there is a difference between riding the wave of uncertainty and feeling like you’re going overboard. There are moments in leadership that feel like that - when we're doing all we can to support our teams, start new initiatives, address problems - and then things feel like they are going to slip. That’s VUCA.
When VUCA hits we must fight the temptation to speed up and race through it. We slow down, grab ahold of our life jacket, and reorient ourselves to the surface. We take a deep breath and focus on the values that got us out on that boat in the first place. We listen to the calls of our colleagues and team and swim in that direction. We look for that life preserver that’s been thrown out (or we call for it!). When we get back on board we rely on our values to help our teams keep sailing through the storm toward our shared goals.
This year we've updated our therapist-led corporate trainings to better serve you. We know that the work is hard. There will be times when we need a reminder that, in the midst of the volatility, our skills and resources are still there to help us persevere. Whether you're navigating uncertainty or building toward new ventures, Artesian Collaborative is passionate about supporting your teams with the skills needed to tap into their strengths.
Explore Our 2023 Online Training Catalog
We've updated the Artesian Collaborative training catalog online with expanded descriptions of all our trainings. As business leaders we know that supporting employees' well-being is an ongoing investment. We recommend booking a series of trainings to help your team develop skills that will serve them for the long-haul.
Our most popular trainings in recent months have been:
Whether you're booking your first training with us, or exploring a repeat engagement, we're excited to help you take the next step. To book your next training, contact our Client Engagement Director Erin Foster.